Teleste S-VMX Video Management Platform
Teleste S-VMX video management system provides a scalable end - to - end solution covering all major features needed in a modern management system for networked video. The application areas range from low camera count systems up to nationwide system comprising of thousands of video streams and under a uniform management system.
The S-VMX video management system is based on distributed server architecture supporting and hosting web services in different type of network topologies. The S-VMX products consist of software and associated hardware for control, processing, viewing, distribution and recording of signals required in CCTV applications.
The S-VMX is supporting operation with standard based video (MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MJPEG and H.264), audio and data. S-VMX features GIS server functionality that allows the linking of video streams with geographical location information. These maps can be offline OpenStreetMaps or alternatively any map material supporting standard OGC interface such as Google or Bing maps.
The modular S-VMX system design serves both video security specialists and IT professionals well, when it comes to deployment. It utilises standard communication protocols and supports open source tools for directory and database management. And all this wrapped into secured communication.
The Teleste S-VMX products are delivered with standard server hardware. Each component has been selected and optimized specifically keeping in mind the technical requirement set down by the nature of real time video. All product configurations have been thoroughly assessed and evaluated for its specific application.
The final touch is provided with the simple and easy to understand licensing scheme that allows for a pay as you grow approach.

Teleste VMX Video Management Platform
Teleste’s VMX Video Management system is the state-of-the-art Video Surveillance solution for powerful video streaming, transmission, switching, recording and encoding of video and related data, and the complete management of these.
System supports both centralised and distributed solutions from low camera count systems up to nationwide system comprising of thousands of video streams under a uniform management system. Integration with 3rd party systems is applicable via standard protocols such as XML, OPC, ASN.1 and SNMP.
The VMX product family is a full suite of system products covering all major features needed in a modern management system for networked video. The VMX products are compatible with 64-bit Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 platforms delivered on IT friendly servers and workstations. These products support standard WAN/LAN networks and are fully interoperable with Teleste MPX range of hardware products.
The video recorder solution provides high performance real time network recording and storage for MJPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 and H.264 video streams and JPEG images.
The VMX offering is completed with product related services including software upgrades, software support and maintenance service and hardware related services.
Teleste VMX system is ideal for security video networking applications, including Transportation (ITS), City Center Monitoring (CCM), High-end/Corporate Security and all other applications demanding high quality low latency video.
Additionally Teleste is providing complementary services such as network planning, project management and system integration; especially for projects involving large-scale road and rail traffic control solutions. Teleste is simultaneously, through partnerships, actively pursuing a number of complementary technical solutions related to these applications, such as image analysis. These solutions are designed to be included in its overall range of supply.